Creative Pacific share their talents in workshops
Some of the participants who showed up Saturday for the fashion and design workshop hosted by Taupou Manaia and the founders of Creative Pacific, Ben-jamin Powell and Afa Ah Loo, just wanted to try out something new.
They came away inspired and equipped with basic techniques to turn a piece of fabric into a head-turning creation.

Beauty & fashion workshops courtesy of ‘le Taupou Manaia’
Free workshops on fashion and designing, hair and makeup plus a model casting session will be offered on island courtesy of Le Taupou Manaia.
The academy which is celebrating 25 years in July, is offering the workshops as part of the lead up to their anniversary event.
Founder Tuifaasisina Korina Seiuli Lee says Taupou Manaia is bringing in two Pacific islanders who have made it big in the United States to conduct the workshops.
They are fashion designer Afa Ah Loo and Hair and Beauty Artist Benjamin Powell.

‘Look Good, Feel Good’ conference focuses on inclusion for Pacific Islander women
More than 70 women attended the first “Look Good, Feel Good” conference for Pacific Islander women at Hale Centre Theatre in Sandy. The event celebrated women of the PI community.